Tyche Captured my Dream in Life

빅히어로 영화에서 로봇 베이맥스가 도시를 구출하는 모습을 보고 로봇에 대해 더 알고 싶어진 연준이!

지능로봇미래스쿨 - Basic Tyche AI Program - Level 1에 참여하여 AI Robot Tyche 와 함께 로봇박사의 꿈을 키워갑니다.
타이키는 모두가 갖고 싶어하는 로봇이라고 해요.
-김두호 대표 인터뷰365-

Hello, my name is YunJun Kim, a 3rd grade at Sindorim Elementary school in Seoul.
The reason why I want to be a robotics engineer is that I became interested in robots after I saw a movie, Big Hero which featured the robot Baymax rescuing a city. I fell in love with Baymax after the movie and I even begged my mom to buy me a bag with a Baymax mascot. Now I have gained more interest and want to know more about the robots. These days I am very excited about science class at school.
Actually, I had not pushed hard on my dream because there are too many things to study in order to become the person whom adults usually expect you to be. I wasn’t even interested in English, Mathematics, or any other subject for that matter. All the subjects were very hard for me. But now I have a dream to create a robot such as Baymax. My dream is to be a robotics engineer like Dennis Hong (a Professor and Founding Director of Robotics & Mechanical Laboratory – UCLA). I know that I have to study hard to become a robotics engineer but I will do my best to achieve my goal.
I will have an opportunity to experience an AI robot, Tyche for the next 3 weeks. I like Baymax, but I think I will enjoy meeting Tyche as well and I am very excited about it.
I wish to meet a scientist mentor and if I could, I will be very happy to ask him or her about all the curious questions I have on robots.