Million AI School (백작스쿨) 11th Meetup
Dear Million AI School friends,
6:15~6:30 Check-in(등록), Networking
6:30~6:45 Introduction to Million AI School
6:45~7:05 [Invited Speech] 4th Industrial Revolution and the Role of Media (Dr. K Y Wohn, Hon.Prof., KAIST)
7:05~7:30 Q&A and Discussion
7:30~7:50 [Invited Speech] Industry transformation & Startups in the 4th Industry Revolution Era (Mr. J P Chun, CEO, XnTree)
7:50~8:30 Q&A and Discussion
8:30~8:45 Wrap up & Next Meetup Announcement
8:45~9:00 Further Networking
at #315 Seminar Room
[ 4th Industrial Revolution and the Role of Media : 4차산명과미디어 ]
원광연 : 한국과학기술원 (KAIST) 문화기술대학원 명예교수
* 학력: 서울대학교 공과대학 (응용물리학 학사)
University of Wisconsin (Computer Science 석사)
University of Maryland (Computer Science 박사)
* 경력 :
Harvard University (Post-Doc Fellow / Lecturer)
University of Pennsylvania (조교수)
KAIST 전산학과 (부교수, 교수)
KAIST 문화기술대학원 (대학원장)
KAIST 엔터테인먼트공학연구소 (소장)
KAIST 문화기술대학원 교수
한국연구재단 지정 BK21 Plus 콘텐트사이언스 단장

Mr. J P Chun, CEO, XnTree
[ Industry transformation & Startups in the 4th Industry Revolution Era ]
천재원 사장: CEO, XnTree, London, UK
경력 : 2016~Current: CEO, XnTree, London, UK
- Leading the ‘Smart City Technology Innovation’ platform project in Asia
- Charge of raising the ‘Global Syndicate Fund’ for the tech startups
2014~2016: Partner, ENTIQ, London, UK
2012~2016: Partner, APEX Investment & Company, London, UK
2013~Current: Advisor of Korean governments – Smart City, regulation, and innovation policy
2012~Current: Director, Korea-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Seoul, Korea
2012~2014: Senior Management Advisor, ADT-Caps, Seoul, Korea
2012~2015: Special Lecture (Israel, UK and France)
2010~Current: Key-note speech: Axis Innovation Conference, Global Dealmakers Summit, UK Financial Conference, Global Investors Summit, 4YFN & Mobile World Congress
2005~Current: Visiting Professor (Korea): SNU, Korea Univ., Yonsei Univ., Sogang Univ., Ewha Univ., etc.
2001~2003: Analyst, SK Group, Seoul, Korea
1998~2001: Analyst, Morgan Stanley, NY, USA